Author: Christina Babcock

  • May 2021 Meetup: SEO Checklist for Any WordPress Site

    On Thursday, May 13, Natasha Burtenshaw-deVries shared an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) checklist that can apply to every WordPress website, from personal blogs to larger businesses. Natasha is an SEO Strategist at Flywheel Digital in Vancouver (although she lives in Hamilton). She first started with WordPress a decade ago, and has been an “active” (her…

  • April 2021 Meetup: Site Clinic

    A last-minute addition to the schedule, on Thursday, April 8, 10 members attended a site clinic through Zoom. Two members volunteered their sites for review. Draft versus Published Pages First up was Grace, with It’s All In My Head. Grace’s site is a site and is still a work in progress. The first task…

  • March 2021 Meetup – How to Own Your Expertise And Start Speaking at WP Events

    The March Meetup featured attendees from throughout the Great Lakes region and beyond. Jill Binder joined from Toronto, while the interactive workshop was led by AmyJune Hineline in San Francisco and Tara King in Albuquerque. Keep reading to learn some of the key points covered in this meetup or check out the recording if you…

  • February 2021 Meetup – Need for Speed

    Alas, Keanu was not at our February meetup. But Richard (Rick) Rudy was, and he led us through WordPress performance improvements including caching, image and asset optimization, and CDNs. Starting in May, Google will be using Core Web Vitals as a (small) ranking factor. Many of our meetup participants have been wondering how to improve…

  • January 2021 Meetup – 3 Pages in 30 Minutes: Using the WordPress Block Editor

    Our first meetup of 2021 had the highest attendance of any Hamilton WordPress meetup to date. Our speaker was Shanta Nathwani who shared how to create your home, about and contact pages in 30 minutes using Gutenberg blocks. Special thanks to Kiera Howe from Samurai WP who hosts this site and who also provided us…